- সূরার নামঃ সূরা নাহল
- বিভাগসমূহঃ ইসলামিক বই, কোরআন শরীফ
সূরা নাহল
আল্লাহর নির্দেশ এসে গেছে। অতএব এর জন্যে তাড়াহুড়া করো না। ওরা যেসব শরীক সাব্যস্ত করছে সেসব থেকে তিনি পবিত্র ও বহু উর্ধ্বে।
The Event (the Hour or the punishment of disbelievers and polytheists or the Islâmic laws or commandments), ordained by Allâh will come to pass, so seek not to hasten it. Glorified and Exalted be He above all that they associate as partners with Him.
أَتَى أَمْرُ اللّهِ فَلاَ تَسْتَعْجِلُوهُ سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ
Ata amru Allahi fala tastaAAjiloohu subhanahu wataAAala AAamma yushrikoona
YUSUFALI: (Inevitable) cometh (to pass) the Command of Allah: seek ye not then to hasten it: Glory to Him, and far is He above having the partners they ascribe unto Him!
PICKTHAL: The commandment of Allah will come to pass, so seek not ye to hasten it. Glorified and Exalted be He above all that they associate (with Him).
SHAKIR: Allah’s commandment has come, therefore do not desire to hasten it; glory be to Him, and highly exalted be He above what they associate (with Him).
KHALIFA: GOD’s command has already been issued (and everything has already been written), so do not rush it. Be He glorified; the Most High, far above any idols they set up.
তিনি স্বীয় নির্দেশে বান্দাদের মধ্যে যার কাছে ইচ্ছা, নির্দেশসহ ফেরেশতাদেরকে এই মর্মে নাযিল করেন যে, হুশিয়ার করে দাও, আমি ছাড়া কোন উপাস্য নেই। অতএব আমাকে ভয় কর।
He sends down the angels with inspiration of His Command to whom of His slaves He pleases (saying): ”Warn mankind that Lâ ilâha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so fear Me (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds).
يُنَزِّلُ الْمَلآئِكَةَ بِالْرُّوحِ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ عَلَى مَن يَشَاء مِنْ عِبَادِهِ أَنْ أَنذِرُواْ أَنَّهُ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ أَنَاْ فَاتَّقُونِ
Yunazzilu almala-ikata bialrroohi min amrihi AAala man yashao min AAibadihi an anthiroo annahu la ilaha illa ana faittaqooni
YUSUFALI: He doth send down His angels with inspiration of His Command, to such of His servants as He pleaseth, (saying): “Warn (Man) that there is no god but I: so do your duty unto Me.”
PICKTHAL: He sendeth down the angels with the Spirit of His command unto whom He will of His bondmen, (saying): Warn mankind that there is no Allah save Me, so keep your duty unto Me.
SHAKIR: He sends down the angels with the inspiration by His commandment on whom He pleases of His servants, saying: Give the warning that there is no god but Me, therefore be careful (of your duty) to Me.
KHALIFA: He sends down the angels with the revelations, carrying His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His servants: “You shall preach that there is no other god beside Me; You shall reverence Me.”
যিনি যথাবিধি আকাশরাজি ও ভূ-মন্ডল সৃষ্টি করেছেন। তারা যাকে শরীক করে তিনি তার বহু উর্ধ্বে।
He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. High be He Exalted above all they associate as partners with Him.
خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ تَعَالَى عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ
Khalaqa alssamawati waal-arda bialhaqqi taAAala AAamma yushrikoona
YUSUFALI: He has created the heavens and the earth for just ends: Far is He above having the partners they ascribe to Him!
PICKTHAL: He hath created the heavens and the earth with truth. High be He Exalted above all that they associate (with Him).
SHAKIR: He created the heavens and the earth with the truth, highly exalted be He above what they associate (with Him).
KHALIFA: He created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose. He is much too High, far above any idols they set up.
তিনি মানবকে এক ফোটা বীর্য থেকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন। এতদসত্বেও সে প্রকাশ্য বিতন্ডাকারী হয়ে গেছে।
He has created man from Nutfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge), then behold, this same (man) becomes an open opponent.
خَلَقَ الإِنسَانَ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ فَإِذَا هُوَ خَصِيمٌ مُّبِينٌ
Khalaqa al-insana min nutfatin fa-itha huwa khaseemun mubeenun
YUSUFALI: He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer!
PICKTHAL: He hath created man from a drop of fluid, yet behold! he is an open opponent.
SHAKIR: He created man from a small seed and lo! he is an open contender.
KHALIFA: He created the human from a tiny drop, then he turns into an ardent opponent.